welcome to my site! my name is anathema-v, or ana for short. i am a chronic oversharer and internet loser, and i plan to use this site as an outlet for my oversharing.
i like the internet for many reasons: it's a means to archive, to communicate, to learn, to scream into the void. however, i've grown to feel that most platforms of existance on the internet fail to carry out these things i like: snapchat (et al) doesn't preserve jack; clear communication fails in callout-focused, cliquey sites like twitter and tumblr; and the rise of shortform content, video or otherwise, makes it difficult to learn anything beyond the tip of the iceberg.
my current site host of choice, neocities, still has these issues to some degree, what with the site comments and followers schtick, but it's a hell of a lot better, as i can turn a lot of these undesired features off. i've tried to design my site to capture the previously stated things i like about the internet: i have archival projects, massively overshare-y logs, etc. the communication element isn't really there, but i'm generally not really a communication-suited person anyways.
i started my website-ing journey at the end of 2023 with, of course, sadgirl's template. circa april 2024 i moved to an iframes layout, vaguely inspired by melonking. the current template was implemented in january-february of 2025. you can find the various inspirations for it on the credits page.
if you want a better idea of what my deal is, read internet love. both tenma and uno are so me for real.
instead of #ffffff