site updates

  • 09/02/25 - uploaded about page and this sitelog page.
  • 22/01/25 - uploaded the first chuncks of the site redo: index, log directory, and project directory
  • 12/06/24 - moved kinodaily to its own page
  • 05/06/24 - copied adilene's music player and learned a bit about fontawesome along the way.
  • 23/04/24 - removed marquee from viewpage, got a slightly different (non-gif) background image [source], and switched out header gif for some good old fashioned ascii art (courtesy of patorjk). all done to help improve loading speed etc.
  • 11/04/24 - redid stylesheet for /view to use flexbox + % dimensions. thinking about making a mobile layout sometime.
  • 24/03/24 - redid the ui w/iframes + added an entry page. hopefully all pages will be readjusted for this soon.
  • 03/02/24 - added the "kino media of the day" section to the main page. i hope to find a way to automate changing the images soon with javascript (only issue is that i don't know js haha).
  • 01/26/24 - made a site button today + a bunch of other stuff in the past couple weeks (^_^)-b
  • 01/01/24 - made the archives and projects pages.
  • 31/12/23 - i think i have all the webpages that i want (for the time being) set up! i've made my media logs and made an (ugly) archive of free refills.
  • 26/12/23 - site created on neocities.
power lines in solt, belgium, tinted in green